Friday 23 February 2018


Jumping into bed the night before and my brain is fully awake. Thinking of all the things I have to do when I wake up and managing my time so that I have the afternoon free to be lazy and sink in the couch catching up on Scandal.

The alarm goes off and mechanically I snooze it. But thinking ahead got the second alarm buzzing minutes later - only to be snoozed again. You know how some people are all about "I'll have an early morning and grab my day"? That's what I had in mind but unfortunately, my plan sank quicker than Titanic. It's like, the second I hear the alarm my need for sleep gets even bigger. Does this happen to any of you? I mean the urge to step out of bed is there but the energy's long gone. The warmth of the duvet is calling my name asking me for a lay-in and I give in

A couple of hours later I wake up feeling all fresh. I get up, make my self a cup of tea and start organising my day. I am obviously way behind schedule but I'm not gonna stress about it. Life is too short to stress about little things.

After all these self-help books I've decided to put them to the test and have a more positive look at things and life in general. If you haven't read The Secret I urge you to. It really changed the way I think and it's very inspiring. I'm such a big fan of it that I even went and downloaded the audiobook to listen to while I'm getting ready for work.

It doesn't take much to start the day on a positive note. Have a lay-in (couldn't skip it), leave your bed on a happy thought and make yourself a cuppa. I'm no expert but my advice is, focus on your targets and be proud of the things you have achieved so far. There are so many things to enjoy in life rather than keep thinking of what you're missing. I promise you the moment you block any negative thoughts you'll begin to see a massive turnaround in your life. 

I know there might be stressful times and a few obstacles along the way but be patient. As the saying goes behind the clouds the sun's still shining. 

Be smiley sweetie darlings, 
Apo xX

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